Sunday, November 2, 2008


Memories are odd things when you're a daemian. At least, they are for me. You've got your solid, "real" memories that are exactly as you remember them (which may not be exactly as they happened, but are pretty close), and then you have daemon memories.

Daemon memories are memories of what your daemon was doing in you daemonless past, times when the two of you weren't communicating as daemon and human. They're not something that you can be sure of. But then, can you be sure of any memories?

According to my daemon memories, Sef used to swim around in the bath with me as a little fish. I used to love baths, and taking my toy animals for a swim, and he would swim about with them so that I could be closer to them.

Karl Jung might call that active imagination. Though that, so far as I know, applies to dreams, not memories. But I suppose dreams and memories aren't to dissimilar. They're both things that you can revisit again and a again, and change ever so slightly. I suppose that's what I'm doing. And the change isn't that drastic, because it all stays in my head. Dreams and memories are things of the mind, as are daemons, so it's not so unrealistic that they be added in.

This post is becoming extremely convoluted, so I think I'll stop. Perhaps I'll start a topic on TDF about daemon memories. It would be interesting to see how many other people have them.

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